Payne in neck

Brian O'Driscoll's damaged shoulder, sustained while playing for Leinster in Biarritz, and Paul Wallace's dreadfully unfortunate…

Brian O'Driscoll's damaged shoulder, sustained while playing for Leinster in Biarritz, and Paul Wallace's dreadfully unfortunate ankle break and subsequent operation that will leave him in a plaster cast for six weeks, would ordinarily be enough to perplex Irish coach Warren Gatland.

This morning marks the start of a two-day training stint in preparation for the national squad ahead of Saturday week's opening international against Italy in Rome. Unfortunately for Gatland the list of injuries extended further at the weekend when Swansea's South African-born but Irish qualified Shaun Payne was forced to retire during the European Cup match against Stade Francais in bizarre circumstances.

Payne was tackling the Francais wing Arthur Gomes when Swansea team-mate Steve Winn launched himself through the air, grabbed Gomes around the neck and clattered into Payne's face with his hip. It wasn't so much reckless as plain silly. Gomes and Payne ended up injured while Winn, despite landing on his head, suffered no ill effects from his actions. Need we add more. . . .

John O'Sullivan

John O'Sullivan

John O'Sullivan is an Irish Times sports writer