Pairings sets up Woods and Williams meeting

TIGER WOODS will almost certainly never say so, but he has probably never wanted to win a game more than he did at Royal Melbourne…

TIGER WOODS will almost certainly never say so, but he has probably never wanted to win a game more than he did at Royal Melbourne on the opening day of the Presidents Cup.

And the former world number one had captain Fred Couples to thank for setting up a clash with his ex-caddie Steve Williams just two weeks after the New Zealander made a comment about Woods which he admitted “could be construed as racist”.

Woods and Steve Stricker were due to take on Williams’ new boss Adam Scott and KJ Choi in the last of the six foursomes today.

Unlike the Ryder Cup, Couples and International captain Greg Norman take turns in selecting opponents for each of the games.


So when Norman named Choi’s fellow Koreans YE Yang and KT Kim as his fifth pair Couples knew what he was doing when he put Hunter Mahan and David Toms against them.

“Who’s left?” joked assistant captain Jay Haas. Nobody needed telling, of course, that it meant Woods v Scott – or, as many will bill it, Woods v Williams. “I think it’s great for the tournament – it needed to be done,” Norman said, thereby making even more people believe that it was pre-arranged.

While denying that – “it played out the way it played out, there wasn’t any pre-meditation” – Norman conceded he was glad to get the head-to-head out of the way early.

“If we had to defuse anything and just get this thing over and done with, wouldn’t you rather have it sooner than later?

“I personally wouldn’t have wanted to be sitting down at the singles and all of this pressure is coming on because it’s the first time the two met.”

Couples, who had dinner with Woods four times last week during the Australian Open and presumably discussed how best to play out the controversy, commented: “I think it worked out awesome for everybody involved to have Adam and Tiger play. As we said all along, they are still very good friends.”

Perhaps not as good as they were, though. Scott could have fired Williams after his comment at a caddie awards dinner, but settled for him making an apology and added: “It’s not an issue for me.” Nor had he taken Williams to task in August for stealing some of the limelight after his victory at the Bridgestone world championship.

Williams, sacked by Woods the previous month, gave interviews afterwards calling it the best win of his career, even though he was with Woods for 13 of his 14 majors.

Norman insists: “At the end of the day the atmosphere that will exist walking to the first tee will be exactly the same if none of this took place.”

Maybe that would be true of the players, but certainly not of the watching media and fans.

There had been speculation Woods would partner Dustin Johnson, but Couples has decided to keep together the pair who won all four of their games together in the American victory in San Francisco two years ago.

That said, the last time Woods and Stricker played together they were thrashed 65 in foursomes by Luke Donald and Lee Westwood at last year’s Ryder Cup.

Since then, of course, Woods has tumbled from number one in the world to 50th.

He is the lowest-ranked member of the American team and needed a wild-card pick.

And while he did have his best finish of the year when he was third in Sydney on Sunday, he now has a partner who has not played since September because of injury.

Johnson, who lost twice with Phil Mickelson and once with Jim Furyk at Celtic Manor, was instead put with Matt Kuchar against Australians Aaron Baddeley and Jason Day in the third game.

First out for the Internationals – the rest of the world minus Europe – were Ernie Els and 20-year-old Ryo Ishikawa and they took on Bubba Watson and Webb Simpson.

Then it was Geoff Ogilvy and Masters champion Charl Schwartzel against Nick Watney and Bill Haas.

The fourth game saw Mickelson and Furyk – reunited as partners for the first time since the 1999 Ryder Cup – facing Retief Goosen and Robert Allenby.