Olympic Venues: No 3 Bondi Beach

Size: Around 10,000 people around a single court with a set of practice and warm-up courts along side.

Size: Around 10,000 people around a single court with a set of practice and warm-up courts along side.

Distance from Sydney City: 7 km.

Six Packs: Lots of them. Beach volleyball is a "look at me" sport. Shades, bandanas, tans, rippling torsos and that's just the spectators. Don't attend if you're fat, ugly or old.

Big draw: The women. They have to wear bikinis because their federation says so. Apparently the advertising dollar talks big in this sport.


Anger: They cleared all the usual beach bums off the beach for the Olympics, which did not please the (normally) easy-going locals. Then they raked the sand and put up the net.

Big difference: Atlanta held the Beach Volleyball event at "Atlanta Beach" which was hundreds of miles from a real coastline. It sort of summed up the Atlanta games.

Famous for: Sharks and big waves.

Johnny Watterson

Johnny Watterson

Johnny Watterson is a sports writer with The Irish Times