Non-event unlikely to dilute world champions' resolve

International Match : Apart from a mutual willingness to generate some cash there is no obvious point to today's game at the…

International Match: Apart from a mutual willingness to generate some cash there is no obvious point to today's game at the Millennium Stadium.

Wales v South Africa Millennium Stadium, 2.45

Wales are in limbo, awaiting their new coach, Warren Gatland, while South Africa remain in a state of suspended animation following their World Cup success. Neither Nigel Davies nor Jake White will be in charge for their sides' next Tests and the Springboks have only flown north to make a few dollars more.

Unsurprisingly, most of the Welsh public have taken a jaundiced view of the enterprise and opted to save their money for the Six Nations, ensuring the Millennium Stadium will be barely two-thirds full for the visit of the world champions. There will be a bigger crowd for next weekend's non-cap game between the Springboks and the Barbarians at Twickenham which, frankly, says it all.


Modern professional players, even so, are simply not conditioned to go through the motions and, as the Springbok lock Bakkies Botha has stressed, the visitors have not flown in to squander the goodwill they generated in France.

"We are not here to enjoy Cardiff or the weather and we are not here for a holiday," said Botha. "We are here to win a Test match and end the year on a high."

Equally ominous for Wales is the news that White, on the eve of his 52nd and final Test in charge, knows rather more about their tactical secrets than their coach-elect, Gatland. This match would have been a rerun of the World Cup quarter-final in Marseille had Fiji not torn up the script.

"We analysed Wales probably more than anyone else because we were convinced we were going to play them in the World Cup quarter-finals," said White. "We've kept all those notes and hopefully not too many things will change . . . we are not expecting anything different from what Wales usually do."

In other words, South Africa believe Wales will move the ball, offload in the tackle and do anything they can to avoid an arm-wrestle with the Springbok forwards. The snag for Wales is the amount of firepower lined up against them.

Even if the Welsh pack hold their own - and with Botha, Schalk Burger and Juan Smith around they are certain to take a battering - the new fullback, Morgan Stoddart, can anticipate a ferocious examination. Gavin Henson will have little space to demonstrate the wisdom of his recall and Wales willl need a substantial early lead if they are to avoid defeat.

In that respect it was not the smartest idea for the Ospreys lock Ian Evans to challenge the Springboks to take Wales seriously - "Disrespect us and you'll pay the price" - on the eve of the game. South African rugby players remain unmistakably competitive. This particular line-up does not look equipped to hoof the ball to the heavens but, as Fiji have shown, there are other ways of chasing the dragon and sapping its morale.

  • Guardian Service