Montgomerie talks up the fear factor

Colin Montgomerie opened up a two-shot lead at the halfway stage of the Volvo Scandinavian Masters and then declared: "I strike…

Colin Montgomerie opened up a two-shot lead at the halfway stage of the Volvo Scandinavian Masters and then declared: "I strike fear into the rest of the field."

The top-ranked European was in sizzling form again in Sweden yesterday, matching his first-round 67 with another for a two-stroke lead on 10-under-par.

Montgomerie's nearest challenger was 22-year-old Australian Geoff Ogilvy, who broke the Barseback course record with a round of 62 - three shots better than the previous mark set by Vijay Singh and Tony Johnstone.

Ogilvy - who leads the driving distance table on the Tour - shot eight birdies and an eagle in his 10-under-par round, which gave him a halfway total of eight under.


But Montgomerie put himself in the driving seat and boosted his hopes of making it four tournament victories in a season for the first time in his career.

"I think now the rest of the field probably fear me," he said.

"Four years ago they didn't, but now they probably do. If I can putt well over the weekend then theoretically I should win here.

"I am happy to get in at 10 under; that was my target. It wasn't very nice having a 5.40 a.m wake-up call, but the reward was worth it."

Montgomerie, ever seeking perfection, then spent the afternoon on the practice range trying to iron out a small problem with his drives which were drifting left.

For his part Ogilvy said he respected, rather than feared, Montgomerie.

"I don't know that I fear Colin, it's more that I respect his game. He's an unbelievable golfer.

"He's obviously the best by a street, so if I'm knocking it past him all the while I've got to be sure I keep it on the fairway like he does consistently."

Defending champion Jesper Parnevik delighted his home fans with a 68 for a halfway total of seven under.

Ogilvy, meanwhile, was not the only big hitter to break the old course record of 65. Italian Emanuele Canonica, second in the driving table to Ogilvy, had consecutive eagles at 13 and 14 in a round of 64 which took him to three under. Another highlight came from Thomas Bjorn, who went on an amazing seven-birdie blitz at the start of his second round.

The Dane opened with a par at the 10th and then scored six consecutive birdies, another par and a birdie, as he played his first nine holes in just 30 strokes.

He could not repeat that form on the front nine holes, however, managing eight pars and a bogey to finish the day on one under after Thursday's disastrous 77.

Overnight leader Paul Broadhurst shot a level-par round of 72 to remain at seven under.