Montenegrin gets wild card instead of Ward

BOXING: BOSKO Draskovic has been handed a wild card entry to the 2012 Olympics, according to the Montenegrin Olympic Committee…

BOXING:BOSKO Draskovic has been handed a wild card entry to the 2012 Olympics, according to the Montenegrin Olympic Committee. Ireland's Joe Ward had been hoping to receive this place as there was one wild card left in the light-heavyweight class for Europe via the Tripartite Commission.

But World amateur boxing chiefs AIBA informed the IABA this week Ward would not be receiving a wild card entry.

The AIBA statement said: “We regrettably found out that your boxer [Ward] does not meet the qualification to be the next best boxer in your continent.”

However, Ward is the European light-heavyweight champion and ranked number five in the World by the AIBA, while Draskovic is ranked 25 places below him.