Lady in command

Though it is widely thought that US Open victories of 1978 and 1985 were Andy North's only tournament wins, he did, in fact, …

Though it is widely thought that US Open victories of 1978 and 1985 were Andy North's only tournament wins, he did, in fact, have another success - in the 1977 Westchester Classic. Mary Noonan, on the other hand, has confined her golfing successes exclusively to the "majors", which earned her a special place among club players during 2001.

After 20 fruitless years, Mary had her first golfing success in 1996, by winning the Lady Captain's (Mary Tiernan) prize at Seapoint GC off a handicap of 28. And a further five years on, as a part-time resident of the Costa del Sol playing off 30, she had her second success at Aloha last month. The event? The Lady Captain's (Barbara Weeks) prize, naturally.