Kenyon lives the dream

Peter Kenyon marched on to centre stage at the Theatre of Dreams yesterday with all the confidence of a seasoned performer and…

Peter Kenyon marched on to centre stage at the Theatre of Dreams yesterday with all the confidence of a seasoned performer and delivered the sort of speech that should go some way towards persuading Manchester United fans that the days of the club's principal cast member making a drama out of a crisis are over.

On August 1st, after a three-year apprenticeship, the 46-year-old Stalybridge-born Kenyon will take on one of the best jobs in football. In an instant it will elevate him from relative obscurity to a position of unrivalled profile, potential and possible pitfalls.

"Obviously having grown up just eight miles from here it's a dream job for me," he said. He also spoke admiringly of Sir Alex Ferguson, who has endured an uneasy relationship with Edwards. "I'd love Sir Alex to stay when his current contract expires. He has become the most successful manager in our history and my attitude is that if it ain't broke we shouldn't fix it."

The words will have soothed the nerves of several of Kenyon's fellow board members and City advisers who have been agitated by the deterioration in Edwards's relationship with the club's supporters and a series of publicity gaffes - Kenyon has made it his immediate priority to appoint a director of communications by the start of the season.


Kenyon joined the United board in 1997 after stints working in the United States and latterly with the sportswear manufacturer Umbro. He has quickly and quietly stamped his authority on the club.

He received praise in the City for the handling of United's search for a new shirt sponsor, which led to Vodafone signing a £30 million four-year deal.

Yet it is this sort of shareholder-friendly deal that could place Kenyon at odds with United supporters. As chief executive of a plc his first responsibility is to his investors and he is unlikely to sanction the huge spending spree on players that the fans crave.