Kelly's goal proves crucial for Sligo

SFC Qualifier Round Two/ Sligo 1-7 Leitrim 0-9 : For the press corps to be denied a post-match quote is normally inexcusable…

SFC Qualifier Round Two/ Sligo 1-7 Leitrim 0-9: For the press corps to be denied a post-match quote is normally inexcusable. But somehow the reporters crowding around the Leitrim dressing-room at Seán McDermott Park in Carrick-on-Shannon yesterday understood Des Dolan's plight and "no comment" attitude.

Dolan, the diligent Leitrim manager, was reported to be "too gutted to talk to the media".

His team had just suffered a second successive defeat at home by a single point. The big difference from the frustrating loss to Mayo was this time his side kicked more than a dozen appalling wides. Dolan knew most of them should have been scores.

There was also the manner in which Leitrim were denied what looked like a point in the early stages from a close-range free but the umpires never budged to lift the white flag.


Sligo created a little piece of history for themselves. They broke a 32- year-old bogey for they had not won at the venue since 1974. It's a pity, however, that the occasion was not graced by a decent match.

That didn't bother Sligo boss Tommy Breheny though. "We would not concern ourselves about poor play. We are happy to win it by a point," he said afterwards.

Much of the football, not least the inaccuracy in front of the posts at either end, would have shamed a juvenile side. Loose passing, disjointed attacks and a notable lack of precision were the norm. The scoring rate too was tortoise-slow.

Perhaps manager Dolan was more "gutted" in wondering how he can influence a corner-turning effort from his Leitrim team. Former All Star Eamon O'Hara was usually the influential playmaker behind most of Sligo's scores. But he was no more forthcoming to the media, simply saying, "I don't talk to the press."

It took Leitrim more than 11 minutes to open the scoring with a Donal Brennan point. Within two minutes Sligo replied with their first score - and it proved the goal that basically decided the issue. O'Hara was the provider and David Kelly the finisher.

Scores were infrequent but some of them were heart-warming, especially Leitrim efforts by team captain and corner back Dermot Reynolds and full back John McKeon.

Seán Davey for Sligo also registered a tremendous 55-yarder.

Sligo led by 1-2 to 0-3 at half-time, hardly a scoreline that was worthy of even a qualifier, although Leitrim have yet to win one.

A solid third-quarter display from Leitrim saw Sligo obliged to walk the tightrope, although the home side continued to fritter away crucial chances in that period. Declan Maxwell, Donal Brennan and Ciarán Duignan all spurned chances at a time in the second half when Sligo were clutching to a single-point lead.

SLIGO: P Greene; C Harrison, N McGuire, R O'Donovan; P McGovern, B Egan, C O'Neill (0-1); E O'Hara, T Taylor; J Partland, M Breheny, (0-3, 2 frees), P Doohan; D Kelly (1-0), S Davey (0-2, 1 free), M Marron. Subs: K Sweeney (0-1) for Marron, P Taylor for McPartland.

LEITRIM: C McCrann; D Reynolds (0-1), J McKeon (0-1), J McGuinness; F Holohan, B McWeeney, S Foley; C Carroll, B McCluskey; B Prior, M Foley, B Regan (0-1); D Brennan (0-2), D Maxwell, C Duignan (0-2 frees). Subs: P J Glancy (0-1) for M Foley, G McWeeney (0-1) for C Duignan.

Ref: P Broderick (Down).