High principles

Cuban high jump champion Javier Sotomayor was cleared last week to compete in the Olympics when his suspension for cocaine use…

Cuban high jump champion Javier Sotomayor was cleared last week to compete in the Olympics when his suspension for cocaine use was cut in half because of his previously clean record and his humanitarian work, yes, humanitarian work!

The decision was made despite the fact that he tested positive at least twice since being caught at last year's Pan American Games.

While Sotomayor claims to have been tested over 300 times throughout his 15-year career and to have always come up negative, International Amateur Athletic Federation (IAAF) vice-president Arne Ljungqvist differs.

"I know there was at least one positive test and possibly two," Ljungqvist said. The 32-year-old humanitarian, a two-time world champion and 1992 Olympic gold medallist, is the only jumper to have cleared eight feet.

Johnny Watterson

Johnny Watterson

Johnny Watterson is a sports writer with The Irish Times