Graham to keep Arsenal shares

Tottenham fans have backed manager George Graham following revelations that he owns £83,000 worth of shares in rivals Arsenal…

Tottenham fans have backed manager George Graham following revelations that he owns £83,000 worth of shares in rivals Arsenal.

According to The Sunday Times, Graham kept a stake in the Gunners after being sacked over a "bung" scandal four years ago.

It is seen as a sensitive issue since Graham is currently managing Arsenal's fiercest "enemy" a few miles across north London.

But Bernie Kingsley, spokesman for the Tottenham Independent Supporters Association, feels there is no cause for fans to get angry.


"George owns only 32 shares from his time as manager at Highbury so it is not as if he holds a major stake in the club," said Kingsley. "Lots of people have shares in companies they work for and hold on to them after they leave, so George is entitled to hold on to what appears to be a good investment."

The former Arsenal manager's 32 shares were once worth £8,500 but are now worth around £83,000. Graham, who has broken no football rules, said: "I don't see any problem with it at all. I got the shares when I became manager of Arsenal and I saw no reason to sell them. If I think they will continue to go up in value, as I think they very probably will, I will keep them."

Football Association rules permit managers to hold a stake of up to 10 per cent in rival clubs.