For some a step, for others the beginning

Match quotes Tom Humphries in Helsinki Not the dawn of a new era but certainly the start of a fresh and exciting phase in the…

Match quotes Tom Humphries in Helsinki Not the dawn of a new era but certainly the start of a fresh and exciting phase in the history of the McCarthy administration. If there is one thing that will keep the ghost of Roy Keane from trespassing on Mick McCarthy's dreams it is 3-0 wins.

Ireland came to Helsinki and wore a new face. Jason McAteer took up the captaincy and however brief the reign of the self-styled Captain Sensible proves to be, he boasts a record of played one, won one, scored three conceded nil.

Mick McCarthy looked at peace with the world afterwards. Three-goal wins will do that for a manager. Did he feel his side were a little flattered by the margin?

"Well, I've been quoted as saying that our 3-0 win the last time (last winter) flattered us somewhat. I think we certainly deserved to win tonight. Dino (Mr Kiely to you) made a good save, I accept that. They put us under pressure from corner kicks and free kicks with the height they had, but then you expect that. In the first half we handled it better, we had bigger players on. I think we were deserved winners, though."


For the second half McCarthy kept the referee busy learning new names, with players joining the action and leaving it like tag wrestlers. On the night, only Gary Kelly and Gary Breen played the full 90 minutes and there were debuts handed to Thomas Butler of Sunderland, Graham Barrett of Arsenal and Jim Goodwin of Stockport County. Barret announced his arrival with most aplomb, scoring Ireland's third goal.

The lessons for McCarthy.

"Lads did well. My reasons for it, the way we played, well you know the team I could have started with. What I didn't want to do is start with my perceived strongest side and then start taking players off and end up with a team of inexperienced lads, some of whom would have one or two caps and others who would have lots. I mixed it up.

"I was very impressed with Graham Barrett. I always have been whenever I've seen him. He's been unfortunate because he's had glandular fever, which knocked him back a bit, it knocked his career off the rails for a while. His movement , his touch, were excellent. And a great finish.

"All have them have contributed. Lee Carsley, who has not played for his club this season, Colin Healy, who hasn't played since pre-season, he was excellent again. The two of them. Pleased with everyone. Rory Delap made an impression up front and at right back.

"I'm not neglecting people. I thought Stevie Mac, Stephen McPhail did well, he's a good footballer and he keeps it, he set up some of our positive play by being available and playing around the centre forwards.

"Thomas Butler. He was excellent. The big full back on him was bigger and stronger, but he got cuter, he had the ball into him and pinned him, he tucks in well, helps the central midfield players. I took him off because I was always going to change it.

He speaks about Colin Healy again.

"I have always said he was an excellent player. I have spoken long and weary about Colin since his debut. I was disappointed he wasn't in the World Cup. We couldn't get him.

"Tonight I was looking at players not just for Moscow but for throughout the period of the next 18 months. In that time you might see quite a few of those players being used."

The players aren't that tight-locked, together bunch they were in the World Cup. New faces and returning faces have changed the composition of the squad. Jason McAteer enjoyed his night as captain.

"I've shaken every hand in Finland. I've had a huddle with the lads before the match started and we haven't said anything. We're just in a huddle. Eventually I said. 'Thanks lads it's been an honour'. And that was it."

The sound of Colin Healy knocking on the door gets every louder. You look at his work-rate, his speed, his striking of the ball and his perceptiveness on the field and you think we must surely have a central midfielder from Cork in the starting 11 soon. Last night he was played out wide and still he was the class of the show.

" Ah it wasn't too bad," he said, the words coming reluctantly from his mouth. "Playing right midfield, I was playing there just to get on the pitch really. Got a goal, set up one for Graham Barrett. It was kind of getting away from me and Graham put it away in the top corner."

For all his excellence and despite his popularity with fans, Healy isn't getting a starting spot for either club or country at the moment.

"There's a lot of players there, everyone played very well tonight. I just have to be happy with my performance. I'm a bit disappointed I haven't started at Celtic. I want to be playing. It's just not happening at Celtic now."

Thomas Butler has experienced a sudden acceleration in the pace of his life. A new contract at Sunderland, a first-team starter through the pre-season, which included a sending off in Spain. And now a full international. He loved it. "I thought it was great, but I did okay. It's a big step up from the '21s, it's a lot faster, the pace was quicker."

Graham Barrett has been a long time arriving at this spot. Hailed as a kid as a future star, Arsenal is a tough place to break into. He got a couple of Premiership games two seasons ago and a handful of other games but since then it just hasn't happened.

"Unbelievable. I dreamt of this as a kid, it hasn't sunk in yet. I was shocked really. When I joined up everyone said to enjoy it. I had a feeling all day I was going to get a game. I wasn't nervous. I just wanted to do well.

"Found out yesterday before the under 21 game, it helped me. I've had to grow up quickly the last two years. I saw Colin setting it up and knew I had to hit it first time. I hit it sweetly."