Chants of the week

"Start spreading the news, he's playing today, I want to see him score again, Dwight Yorke, Dwight Yorke. If he can...

"Start spreading the news, he's playing today, I want to see him score again, Dwight Yorke, Dwight Yorke. If he can. . . . score from there, he'll score from. . . . anywhere, it's up to you, Dwight Yorke, Dwight Yorke." Manchester United fans hail you-know-who at Old Trafford on Wednesday night.

"Who's the father of the kid?"

While United fans were busy wolf-whistling Graeme Le Saux through yesterday's FA Cup game at Old Trafford, the Chelsea contingent in the crowd were questioning the parentage of young Brooklyn Beckham.

"Knowing me, know you, Saha . . ." Newcastle fans dedicate the old Abba tune to their new French signing, Louis Saha.