Boost for Munster as charges against Horan dismissed

News: Charges of kicking levelled at the Munster and Ireland prop Marcus Horan were dismissed yesterday when an ERC independent…

News:Charges of kicking levelled at the Munster and Ireland prop Marcus Horan were dismissed yesterday when an ERC independent disciplinary committee convened in Dublin.

The hearing arose following Munster's Heineken European Cup round four Pool Five match against Llanelli Scarlets at Thomond Park last Sunday.

The report lodged by the citing commissioner for the match, Bill Dunlop (Scotland), was for the alleged kicking of the Llanelli Scarlets replacement Deacon Manu in contravention of Law 10.4 (c).

After considering the available evidence, the committee dismissed the citing and cleared the player of any related foul play.


Both parties have the right to appeal.

The committee's finding is good news for the Munster coach Declan Kidney, who will have Horan available to him for the game against Connacht on December 27th.

Horan was used only as a substitute against Llanelli but with matches against Connacht and Ulster in the pipeline before Munster return to European Cup action he is likely to be in serious demand these next few weeks.

- Johnny Watterson