Board meet to discuss latest crisis

The management committee of the Dublin County Board were meeting last night to consider the latest crisis besetting the county…

The management committee of the Dublin County Board were meeting last night to consider the latest crisis besetting the county hurlers.

Last Thursday the panel had refused to train under the interim management headed by county chairman John Bailey.

Yesterday, the county board - who didn't make themselves available for comment - were keeping a quiet front on what the next move would be, given that Dublin are due to play in the All-Ireland qualifier series tomorrow fortnight.

Among the names mentioned as possible managers for the team are current under-21 manager Seán Lane. But it is not yet known what the players views are on any potential successor to Humphrey Kelleher, who stepped down last week.

Seán Moran

Seán Moran

Seán Moran is GAA Correspondent of The Irish Times