Biological passport ban for Ornelas

ATHLETICS PORTUGUESE long-distance runner Helder Ornelas has been banned for four years by his country’s federation after becoming…

ATHLETICSPORTUGUESE long-distance runner Helder Ornelas has been banned for four years by his country's federation after becoming the first athlete to be found guilty of doping using the Athlete Biological Passport.

The suspension of the 38-year-old, who ran the 5,000 metres at the Sydney Olympics and the marathon in Beijing, marks a breakthrough in the fight against doping, IAAF president Lamine Diack said.

“Those who try to cheat within the athletics community should be warned that the Athlete Biological Passport is not merely a concept but rather an efficient method that is now being used by the IAAF anti-doping department to identify, target and catch those who believe that doping is the only route to success,” he said in a statement.

“Cheaters should also be aware that, if they are caught, the IAAF will seek an increased four-year sanction whenever the circumstances so justify.”


The IAAF did not reveal what the banned substance was but said blood samples from Ornelas has been collected in the course of the Biological Passport programme during a 11-month period from December 2009.

Ornelas’s blood profile was flagged as being abnormal in May 2011, triggering further investigations in accordance with IAAF anti-doping regulations.

“After examination by a panel of experts in the field of haematology, it was concluded that there was no known reasonable explanation for abnormalities observed in Ornelas’s blood profile other than use of a prohibited substance or a prohibited method,” the statement added.

The IAAF referred the case to the Portuguese Athletic Federation (FPA), recommending a four-year ban for a serious first-time doping offence.

Meanwhile, Britain’s Mo Farah has confirmed he will compete over 5,000m at the Aviva London Grand Prix on July 13th ahead of this summer’s Olympics.

The 29-year-old world and European 5,000m champion, who is now based in Oregon, stormed to victory over 3,000m in last year’s Samsung Diamond League meeting at Crystal Palace in a time of seven minutes 40.15 seconds.