A silly Bhoy

Celtic's Bulgarian international Stilian Petrov probably regrets ever opening his mouth now

Celtic's Bulgarian international Stilian Petrov probably regrets ever opening his mouth now. Last week he complained that Scottish women were less than lovely, upsetting, amongst others, the Daily Record. "I'm disappointed with Scottish women because most of them are not beautiful - there's no comparison with Bulgarian girls," he said.

Cue the Record: Silly Bhoy: Footballer yearns for land of shotputters, said their headline, accompanied by a photo of a large female Bulgarian shot-putter. Petrov, sensibly, apologised and withdrew his remarks but the paper advised him that on his next night out in Glasgow he should take "one of those strapping female athletes his homeland specialised in under communism - as a bodyguard". Enough lads, enough.

Mary Hannigan

Mary Hannigan

Mary Hannigan is a sports writer with The Irish Times