Conor Pope on how to survive the most expensive Christmas in decades

Conor Pope on how to survive the most expensive Christmas in decades

Listen | 21:44

No one needs reminding that we’re enduring a cost-of-living crisis, the likes of which we haven’t seen in decades. With inflation at a 40 year high, Christmas will be an extra source of stress for so many. Between worrying about how long we leave on our festive lights and the bills we’ll face in January after ensuring the kids get the presents they’ve wished for, you’d be forgiven for feeling anxious heading into December.

In The News co-host and Consumer Affairs Correspondent, Conor Pope, is here to share his insights and wisdom ahead of the busiest shopping season of the year. From avoiding the pitfalls of the Black Friday sales to reframing your outlook on gift-giving, don’t start tapping your bank card until you’ve heard this.

Presented by Aideen Finnegan.