This Week They Said

Change has come to America. - Barack Obama in his victory speech as president-elect of the United States.

Change has come to America. - Barack Obama in his victory speech as president-elect of the United States.

One must wait and see whether the political rhetoric of the presidential campaign translates into different policy positions that will have an impact on us. - Taoiseach Brian Cowen on speculation that Obama may move to penalise US firms investing overseas.

I don't know if I will die of happiness. - Sarah Obama, as her grandson is elected to the White House.

Obama is young, handsome and even suntanned. - Silvio Berlusconi, prime minister of Italy, offers a (characteristically subtle) assessment of Senator Obama.


It is the definition of bittersweet. As an African-American, I rejoiced in the symbolism of yesterday. As a gay man, I thought, 'How can this be happening?' - Gay action group leader Julius Turman as gay marriage is prohibited in a referendum in California.

The country simply cannot afford the luxury of the present public sector pay bill. - Turlough O'Sullivan, director general of Ibec, the employers' representative body.

People are being slaughtered and [UN peacekeepers] did nothing. - President of the Democratic Republic of Congo Joseph Kabila as fighting breaks out in the east of the country.

I am proud of my name, but if you have a name like mine you will find people run away from you. - Omar Osama bin Laden on life as the son of al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden.

We believe the sentence was too light. In France, this would be treated as a homicide with premeditation. - Vincente Talon, after the drunk driver who killed his mother Martine, a French tourist, in south Dublin in 2007 was jailed for eight years.

It's the race to zero. - British economist Stewart Robertson as the European Central Bank and the Bank of England announce further interest rate cuts.

People like Lidl and Aldi have stolen a march. That cannot be allowed to continue to happen and if it was there would be no Dunnes Stores long term. - Former Dunnes Stores chief Ben Dunne amid speculation - unconfirmed by the chain - that it is to be sold to Walmart.

Far from being shocked at seeing the inmates roughed up a bit, I found myself wishing they'd been properly tortured, preferably savagely, imaginatively and continuously. - British film writer David Cox on the Bobby Sands biopic Hunger.