Sutherland Speech On Nice

Sir, - As two EU citizens, one Irish and one Swedish, we have been following the debate on the Nice Treaty in your pages.

Sir, - As two EU citizens, one Irish and one Swedish, we have been following the debate on the Nice Treaty in your pages.

We would like to point out the lack of serious public debate in Sweden concerning both the Nice Treaty and the future direction the EU will take. As a result many people in Sweden are unaware of the terms of this treaty, its implications for Europe and the European project. If Europe's citizens are not informed about the Nice Treaty, they cannot be considered to either support or oppose it.

If the public debate on this treaty in other European countries is as lacking as it is in Sweden, who are the 99 per cent that Mr Sutherland claims are in favour of the Nice Treaty and constitutional change (The Irish Times, December 11th)? - Yours, etc.,

Niamh Roche and Sven Modell, G÷teborg, Sweden.