Yours, etc

Sir, — Dermot O'Rourke (December 12th) alludes to simple rules for getting a letter published in The Irish Times, of which the first is to write it. A good point. The second is the advice from the editor, who admonishes us to keep it short. The third, it seems to me, is to possess a recognisable name, preferably with a title, something like Dr or Rev, assuming things are not too busy on the medical or clerical fronts. – Yours, etc,



Co Dublin.


Sir, – Getting a letter published in The Irish Times is simple if you follow a simple plan. Compose at least one a day, in your head, that is. Get at least one in four down on paper or on screen. Any that appear to make  sense, and are not too libellous or daft, can then be sent. Of course the editor may have other ideas, but at least we tried. The real benefit is, of course, the therapy of getting a daily rant off your chest for the cost of an email. – Yours, etc,



Co Westmeath.