Winds Of Waste

Sir, - I know of no law which allows for private companies or governments to knowingly generate "poison winds" that innumerable…

Sir, - I know of no law which allows for private companies or governments to knowingly generate "poison winds" that innumerable studies have shown are toxic to human and animal health and pose a severe risk to the environment.

The proposed "hazardous waste incinerator" in Kilcock will emit dioxins and furans, two of the most toxic chemicals known to mankind. Other emissions which will spew forth include lead, mercury and cadmium, also extremely lethal.

These poison winds will travel much further than the proposed site and as the prevailing winds are towards Dublin, this is most certainly not just a local concern. This is a national issue. Why is it not (so far) a national and public debate? - Yours, etc., Louise Hadden,

Maynooth, Co Kildare.