Will your lifestyle survive?

Madam, – Everything is relative, as the article Will your Lifestyle Survive? (April 11th) points out

Madam, – Everything is relative, as the article Will your Lifestyle Survive? (April 11th) points out. However, the article failed to convince me that those on considerably higher incomes than my own could possibly be struggling to such a degree.

I have three children and we survive on an income of €30,000. Granted our mortgage is very low but we do need to run two cars as we are not on a bus route. We all eat healthily, go on an annual holiday abroad and none of my children seem to find it too much of a hardship to be dressed in clothes from Penneys or Dunnes. The childrens allowance is put aside for summer camps and music lessons and holidays.

I am very grateful to be working and to have three healthy children. To give a full front page to people who are so much more financially comfortable than many lacks a sense of proportion to say the least.

– Yours, etc,

MARGARET LEE, Farran, Co Cork.