Wicklow curbs on new homes

Madam, - Let me see if I have this correct: it is illegal to discriminate against a Polish woman for a job irrespective of the…

Madam, - Let me see if I have this correct: it is illegal to discriminate against a Polish woman for a job irrespective of the employer's motives ("Job bias award for Polish woman", The Irish Times, July 18th). It is also illegal to discriminate against Travellers by refusing them drink irrespective of the publican's reasons for doing so ("Travellers awarded compensation", same edition).

However, it appears perfectly legal for Wicklow County Council to ban the sale of homes in parts of the county to families from Dublin ("Council to prevent outsiders buying in Wicklow", same edition). Classic Irish double standards!

Perhaps now Dublin County Council should think about refusing to permit the sale of homes to people born in Co Wicklow? - Yours, etc,

NIALL LUCAS, Roebuck Castle, Dublin 14.