Watching the World Cup

Madam, - In his Irishman's Diary last Wednesday, Frank McNally wrote of Zinedine Zidane: "He seems at peace with himself, smiling…

Madam, - In his Irishman's Diary last Wednesday, Frank McNally wrote of Zinedine Zidane: "He seems at peace with himself, smiling like a Buddhist monk when not busy achieving oneness with the ball."

They say a week is a long time in politics. Clearly the same goes for international football. - Yours, etc,

JUDY BURKE, Burgatia, Rosscarbery, Co Cork.

Madam, - I was appalled at the amount of drink advertising allowed during the World Cup, especially during early afternoon and before the 8 o'clock games in the evening.


It seems the drink companies and RTÉ ignored the supposed voluntary code limiting drink advertising during times when children are exposed to it. At one session, four out of 10 advertisements were for drink. The sponsors Budweiser had an ad at the beginning and end of each advertising break.

Such a lack of responsibility tells us a lot about how much the drink companies and RTÉ seem to care about one of the most serious problems facing our society today. - Yours, etc,

FRANK HOLOHAN, Rathdown Park, Greystones, Co Wicklow.

Madam, - It was heartening to see FIFA adopt a strong anti-racism stance for the World Cup, highlighting this issue on a world stage.

However, it was with horror that I observed at the closing ceremony that the dark-suited male officials from FIFA were flanked by what might be described as a bevy of beautiful women in tight white suits, complete with short skirts with side-splits, and high-heeled shoes. This demeaning image of women as decorative sexual objects in the context of the world of sport is sexist in the extreme and should surely have had its day.

Would it not have been more appropriate to combine anti-sexism with the anti-racist message by having people of both sexes, dressed in sports attire, as the medal-bearers?

The sexism inherent in many sports should not be sanctioned by institutional structures. - Yours, etc,

DEIRDRE FEENEY, Rathfarnham, Dublin 16.

Madam, - Tom Humphries and Emmet Malone deserve to be commended for the previews, reporting, analysis and, of course, the wit in their pieces from Germany throughout the World Cup. Great sports journalism and a joy to read! - Yours, etc,

GEORGE SWEENEY, Kylemore Park, Derry.

Madam, - I believe that FIFA should consider (a) a video referee for penalty box activity; (b) a "sin bin" for some fouls; (c) a bonus point system.

All of these might promote competitiveness and entertainment. - Yours, etc,

MICHAEL McWILLIAM, Clonkeen Road, Deansgrange, Co. Dublin.