Vatican document on the sexes

Madam, - Dr Sean Brady, Archbishop of Armagh, writes in support of the recent Vatican document on the collaboration of men and…

Madam, - Dr Sean Brady, Archbishop of Armagh, writes in support of the recent Vatican document on the collaboration of men and women in the Church and in the world (Opinion, August 9th).

He states that "a lot more than mere lip-service is required here. Any kind of discrimination against women or the family in society is unacceptable, and I invite Government and employers, North and South, to address this issue wherever necessary. There is a lot at stake here: our quality of family life, our worklife balance and ultimately the moral and social fabric of Irish society".

I'm sure most people would agree. They might also be wondering when the Catholic Church is going to give a lead on this issue. The document appears to be an elaborate attempt to evade all responsibility for doing so. - Yours, etc.,



Red Lane,


Co Wicklow.


Madam, - Archbishop Sean Brady writes that "men and women. . . together make up the totality of our being made in 'the image and likeness of God' (Genesis 1:26)".

I cannot reconcile that affirmation with the idea of a celibate male clergy. - Yours, etc.,


Bayview Drive,



Madam, - The Archbishop of Armagh says he shares the hope of the Holy See that the Vatican's latest letter "will be a starting point in a dialogue with all men and women of good will, in a sincere search for the truth and in a common commitment to the development of ever more authentic relationships".

I would have thought that the "starting point" began long ago with men and women who challenged the Church's sexist doctrines. As for "goodwill", a "sincere search for the truth" and "authentic relationships", I believe these were the motivations behind that lay-inspired starting point.

The Roman letter not only gives credit to the Vatican for what the laity began; it implies that good will, sincerity and authenticity might not be entirely evident in the arguments of those who would oppose Church doctrine, but will be undeniably evident in the arguments of its supporters. - Yours, etc.,


Whitechurch Road,

Dublin 14.