Valuing care workers

Madam, – The time has surely come to call a halt to the deplorable attitude to care-workers

Madam, – The time has surely come to call a halt to the deplorable attitude to care-workers. Nobody can deny that the most vulnerable in our society who need care-assistants would rather be able to do without such. Life is such, however, and none of us knows what the future holds in this regard. There are those who need special care all of their lives and others who due to illness, old age or both become so dependent that they require personal care-assistants.

The people who devote themselves to this service deserve from our society to be placed at the upper rung of the ladder, not the bottom. People who work in hospitals or nursing homes, or who visit homes of people with a disability or illness, need to be treated in a manor which gives credence to their work.

Recently we have seen people who work in a care agency getting letters informing them that their salary is being reduced by €3 per hour. What is happening to our society? Let’s call a halt to this madness and have a proper evaluation of people’s work. – Yours, etc,



Peck’s Lane,

