Time For A Merger?

Sir, - Many years ago the late John Kelly TD suggested a merger between Fine Gael and Fianna Fail. Of course nobody listened

Sir, - Many years ago the late John Kelly TD suggested a merger between Fine Gael and Fianna Fail. Of course nobody listened. TDs were too busy minding their own patches. Surely the time has come to consider the idea again.

Fine Gael is a tired, dull party with no ideas, while Fianna Fail is so tainted by scandals and corruption that it can never again be trusted. Would it be too much to hope that among the younger members in both parties, a sufficient number of people might be found with the guts and the ability to set up a party that we could respect and trust - especially trust. I suggest the following steps:

1. Get rid of the two leaders.

2. Get rid of the tired old guard in both parties.


3. Get rid of the place-seekers and the "me feiners", especially in Fianna Fail.

So how about it, all you younger members in both parties? Are you able for the challenge? Or do you propose to spend the rest of your lives in the unholy mess that is Irish politics today? - Yours, etc.,

Eibhlin Ni Allurain, Blackhorse Avenue, Dublin 7.