The voice of experience

Madam, - A national newspaper this week carried an article entitled "TDs are too old and out of touch" - an opinion expressed…

Madam, - A national newspaper this week carried an article entitled "TDs are too old and out of touch" - an opinion expressed by Fine Gael's candidate for Meath West, Graham Geraghty.

Claiming to be "young, enthusiastic and approachable", Mr Geraghty seemed to neglect the fact that with age comes experience and this should not be scoffed at by anyone.

The older members of our population, politicians or not, should be applauded for their involvement in the economy and their local communities. I strongly believe the Government, employers and society should be encouraging those over the age of 65 to remain in employment if they so wish.

The abolition of mandatory retirement in the public and private sectors would allow those over 65 to continue as contributors rather than become dependents, essentially overnight. This biased and antiquated practice must be ended if people are to retain their independence.


I am reminded of President Ronald Reagan's famous words to his opponent Walter Mondale in 1984: "I will not make age an issue of this campaign. I am not going to exploit for political purposes my opponent's youth and inexperience". Perhaps Mr Geraghty should take note of the president's words. - Yours, etc,

Senator MARY WHITE (FF), Seanad Éireann, Dublin 2.