The giving business

Madam, - I read Kate Holmquist's article of July 1st with great interest

Madam, - I read Kate Holmquist's article of July 1st with great interest. It is time for philanthropy to be encouraged and for wealth holders to think seriously about what they would like to do with their money. It would be tremendous to see successful business people using their talents to reduce the inequalities within Ireland.

Those who have enjoyed the benefits of our recent economic success now have the opportunity through philanthropy to respond to the many social needs of those who have been unable to reap the benefits of a buoyant economy. As shown in other countries, Government too has a key role to play in nurturing the growth of a vibrant culture of philanthropy for the benefit of those in greatest need, both at home and abroad.

Even people with modest means can make an impact on their communities through pooling their resources and funding social initiatives in their area. We at The Community Foundation for Ireland have experienced the impact of local giving for local causes and see the positive impact of this type of philanthropy. - Yours, etc,

TINA ROCHE, Chief Executive, The Community Foundation for Ireland, 32 Lower O'Connell Street, Dublin 1.