The art of art criticism

Madam, - Thank you for Frank McNally's entertaining and corrective piece of art criticism ( An Irishman's Diary, November 2nd…

Madam, - Thank you for Frank McNally's entertaining and corrective piece of art criticism ( An Irishman's Diary,November 2nd).

This was in welcome contrast to the po-faced, obscure artist maunderings of the art critics of most broadsheets here and in the UK. These usually consist of high-priestly pronouncements to us poor, ignorant plebs. They are written mostly about the art critic and his knowledge of art history and aesthetics, rather than about the art object.

Most of these critics are motivated by a deep anxiety. They wake up nightly, sweating, dreaming that one dreadful word has been branded on their foreheads, for all to see: "Passé".

I hope Frank McNally wakes up with a chuckle. After reading his piece, I did. - Yours, etc,


MERVYN A. CRAWFORD, Castletownshend, Co Cork.