Telephone Charges

Sir, - Congratulations to Telecom Eireann on its current fulsome advertising campaign in all branches of the media extolling …

Sir, - Congratulations to Telecom Eireann on its current fulsome advertising campaign in all branches of the media extolling the virtues of off-peak call charges - "local calls at less than one penny per minute". Brilliant advertising and great public relations.

Perhaps the advertising gurus in Telecom might now consider launching a similar campaign to advise (or warn) its customers of the gigantic cost of making even local calls from a domestic telephone to a mobile phone - currently in the order of 23p per minute (peak rate) and 15p per minute (off-peak). This compares with 4p pence (peak rate) and the much publicised 1p (off-peak) per minute local charge for domestic to domestic calls. This represents a differential of 575 per cent and 1300 per cent respectively. How can Telecom justify this? - Yours, etc.,

D. J. O'Gorman, PC, Oola, Co Limerick.