TDs net €13m goodbye money

Madam, – When apportioning blame for the reported €13 million payment to exiting TDs from the 30th Dáil, surely the electorate…

Madam, – When apportioning blame for the reported €13 million payment to exiting TDs from the 30th Dáil, surely the electorate must accept its share of culpability in this matter? It was known prior to the election that rejected TDs would be entitled to these payments. Had all out-going members seeking re-election been returned to the new Dáil then that portion of the cost would not have arisen. However, voters chose to reject this option.

We are constantly told we have a very “sophisticated” electorate . . . well, they made their decision in full knowledge of the facts and consequently should quit their whingeing; you can’t blame everything on the politicians! Apologies if my speech is a little slurred, but I’m ungluing my tongue from my cheek. – Yours, etc,


Glack, Longford.