Taxis and HSE

Madam, – Personal experience leads me to accept without question your report (Home News, August 2nd) concerning the HSE’s €120…

Madam, – Personal experience leads me to accept without question your report (Home News, August 2nd) concerning the HSE’s €120 million taxi bill. Some weeks ago, an 88-year-old family friend was admitted to hospital as a result of an injury. Before she was allowed to return home, her medical team advised that it should be fitted with various handles and grips to ensure a more secure passage throughout the house.

To this end, Mrs X was accompanied to her home by two HSE occupational therapists, where they were met by her daughter. The entire 15km-mile round-trip used a taxi as the mode of transport, with the driver waiting outside the house for approximately one hour. As his taxi meter racked up the euros, the occupational therapists carried out their survey. – Yours, etc,


Clarinda Park West,

Dún Laoghaire, Co Dublin.