Taxing questions

Madam, - The recently published list of tax settlements with the Revenue Commissioners by private individuals and companies throws…

Madam, - The recently published list of tax settlements with the Revenue Commissioners by private individuals and companies throws up an interesting statistic which is common to other such lists published in the past.

Almost 90 per cent of these tax settlements come from outside Dublin city and county which probably has a population not far short of all areas of the State combined.

Perhaps the decentralisation of government departments is not such a bad idea after all. Certainly, if the Revenue Commissioners' Offices were sprinkled liberally among our country cousins, it might alert the assorted farmers, hauliers, publicans and other exponents of creative accounting in rural areas to the fact that the same tax laws apply to them as to everyone else. - Yours, etc.,

LOUIS HOGAN, Corbawn Grove, Shankill, Dublin 18.