Taxing question about U2

Madam, - I read with interest that U2, comprising Bono and his multi-millionaire musician friends, have decided for tax reasons…

Madam, - I read with interest that U2, comprising Bono and his multi-millionaire musician friends, have decided for tax reasons to move their "business empire" out of Ireland.

For a person who puts himself forward as a saviour of the poor and the deprived, meeting eminent heads of state such as President George Bush, Bono might like to behave as the rest of us in this country and pay tax on his earnings. I do not think any part of society should be exempt from tax and musicians are no different.

Perhaps Bono could practice what he preaches and pay tax in this country to help the poor and deprived of this state. - Yours, etc,

DAVID O'DONNELL, Clonmacken, Ennis Road, Limerick.