Tackling Ryan's rugby plan

Madam, – Minister for Communications Eamon Ryan should use his antennae to help him keep his feet on the terrestrial ground. …

Madam, – Minister for Communications Eamon Ryan should use his antennae to help him keep his feet on the terrestrial ground. If he wants to have “important sporting events” available to all – he must not forget the tennis, sailing and other punters out there who feel their sport is important. I’m one of those. I love tennis. Equality in sports viewing must be transparent.

Incidentally, I married into a “rugby” family in the sense that my late father-in-law (George Morgan) played for Ireland and the Lions. George and his ilk would walk tall today to have witnessed the rugby successes of the last decade which has been called the “Golden Age of Irish Rugby”. They have done us proud. – Yours, etc,


Asgard Park,

Howth, Co Dublin.

Madam, – I am concerned that Joe Osborne’s fears (May 22nd) will be realised. The IRFU’s priority is to maximise the financial return from rugby. At least the “genuine supporters” will have the consolation of watching the games on Sky. – Yours, etc,


Green Street,

Dingle, Co Kerry.