Switch to generic drugs

Madam, – Dr Garrett Igoe states (April 16th) “in order to prescribe economically the present system requires GPs not to prescribe…

Madam, – Dr Garrett Igoe states (April 16th) “in order to prescribe economically the present system requires GPs not to prescribe generically but rather to prescribe the cheapest branded generics”. Since its launch in January 2007, Irish Medicines Formulary (IMF) provides doctors with prescribing information for all licensed and marketed drugs available in Ireland – branded, branded generic and true generic. Moreover, all versions of a particular drug are detailed consecutively to make comparison as easy as possible, thereby facilitating the most cost-effective prescription. IMF is provided free of charge to practicing GPs, so lack of information is no longer an issue. The “system” – a comprehensive reference delivered free of charge on to the surgery desk twice a year – is hardly difficult to use? – Yours, etc,


Business manager,

Irish Medicines Formulary,


Dublin 13.