Swapping a name for a number

Madam, – I see an inquirer to your Property supplement (QA,March 18th) wants to change a house number to house name only

Madam, – I see an inquirer to your Property supplement (QA,March 18th) wants to change a house number to house name only. As an occasional deliverer to suburban houses, I beg him/her, don’t! The idea of “name only” came from people who considered their splendid abode was so familiar that a street number was unnecessary. Alas, unless one is a president or a monarch, that is unlikely to be the case.

If some dark night you should hear a burglar downstairs or suffer a heart attack (or both) you will be only too glad that you stuck with “123” instead of “Fawlty Towers” or whatever that would have the emergency services wandering vainly up and down your road. – Yours, etc,


Home Farm Road,


Dublin 9.