`States Of Fear' Programmes

Sir, - I want to make it quite clear that I am not writing in defence of church and state in regard to the dreadful abuse inflicted…

Sir, - I want to make it quite clear that I am not writing in defence of church and state in regard to the dreadful abuse inflicted on children and people over many years. I am capable of seeing and placing blame where it should be placed and it is not in the hands of one nun who has been one of the most outspoken voices in defence of the homeless over many years.

Sr Stanislaus Kennedy, in common with most of us, has the privilege of being a human being always seeking perfection and, like the vast majority of us, she has never claimed to have reached the final stage. For Fintan O'Toole to use his ability as a journalist to single her out and vilify her is a misuse of power and is unfair. I would like to acknowledge the work she has done and to encourage her to continue. - Yours, etc., James Hennelly,

Ballycastle, Co Mayo.