Stamping out illegal tyre-dumping

Sir, – A compliance programme to stem the illegal dumping of tyres (Home News, August 9th) is indeed sorely needed, but the industry believes that Minister for the Environment Denis Naughten's proposed scheme is destined to fail, primarily on two counts.

With the scheme not extending into Northern Ireland, retailers and wholesalers in the six counties will enjoy an unfair competitive advantage over their counterparts here. This will bring about an immediate price distortion in the market which will, inevitably, encourage non-compliance among many in the South, just in order to survive.

Second, the proposed scheme lacks teeth. Our experience of a similar initiative in 2007 shows that compliance without enforcement is illusory, yet we know there are no additional resources being allocated to the county councils responsible for enforcement of the scheme. Furthermore, on-the-spot fines, for which we have lobbied, are not part of the Minister’s plan.

The tyre industry has long recognised the need to tackle the scourge of illegal tyre disposal. The overwhelming majority of tyre retailers are completely law-abiding and do not want their sector stained by the malpractice of a few. We have worked with various stakeholders to construct a sustainable disposal scheme that will work for all involved. Sadly, this is not it. – Yours, etc,



President, Irish Tyre

Industry Association &


President, Independent Tyre

Wholesalers & Retailers



Co Meath.