Speeding And Road Deaths

Sir, - Over recent years, any road user could see that the increase in speeding and dangerous driving would lead to the present…

Sir, - Over recent years, any road user could see that the increase in speeding and dangerous driving would lead to the present appalling level of fatalities and serious injuries. New motorways without any visible supervision were an incentive to even higher speeds.

Any pleasure in taking a trip along the N4 evaporates when one sees the frequency with which crosses marking fatal accidents occur in the Moyvalley area. On the N2 there are no speed limit signs other than the 30 mph and 40 mph ones entering and leaving towns.

It is essential that the necessary Garda power and technology are now made available to do what should have been done all along, simply to enforce the road traffic laws. Something like the saturation treatment given to drunken driving is required until a level of sanity is restored. Advertisements for new cars which mention speeds in excess of the upper speed limit should be banned.

Those who value their own lives and the lives of others so little as to indulge in reckless driving either in their own or stolen cars should have something to fear.


Operation Lifesaver is a start but why the necessity for all the publicity attending it? Does the Garda not have a right and a duty to enforce the law without giving notice of its intention? - Yours etc.,

Cecilia McGovern,

Wellington Road, Dublin 4