Sinn Fein In Government

Sir, - Tony Moriarty (October 2nd) misses the point in comparing Sinn Fein's possible involvement in "government" North and South…

Sir, - Tony Moriarty (October 2nd) misses the point in comparing Sinn Fein's possible involvement in "government" North and South of the Border.

Sinn Fein is involved in a devolved administration in Northern Ireland, not in a sovereign government. The party has no responsibility for policing or defence. Its relationship to a private army is thus not as relevant as it is when considering its possible participation in the Government of the Republic.

The Constitution clearly states (Article 15.6.2): "No military or armed force, other than a military or armed force raised and maintained by the Oireachtas, shall be raised or maintained for any purpose whatsoever."

How can any party go into government in the Republic with Sinn Fein while it maintains an army in contravention of this principle? Which armed group would Sinn Fein ministers be loyal to? - Yours, etc.,


Peter Fitzpatrick, Ryevale Lawns, Leixlip, Co Kildare.