Shortage of women in politics

Madam, - Ann Marie Hourihane seems to blame the fact that a mere 22 of our 166 TDs are women on the "besotted men who have run…

Madam, - Ann Marie Hourihane seems to blame the fact that a mere 22 of our 166 TDs are women on the "besotted men who have run Irish politics for generations" (Opinion and Analysis, November 17th). .

This State is a democracy. Women, because they live longer, comprise more than fifty per cent of the electorate. They could have more 22 women TDs if they so chose. The fact that they do not is a choice that they make themselves.

Complaining about "the boys from St Lukes" supporting Bertie Ahern and about the impossibility of "an ambitious female Fianna Fáiler in Drumcondra [having] a hope in hell of getting anywhere" is, therefore, pathetic.

The male-dominated political parties are indeed loath to select women candidates. However, the few women who do get through the selection process get fewer votes on average than male candidates.


If women do not see it as important to vote for women because they are women I have to accept that decision. But it is illogical then to complain that women are under-represented in parliament.

I happen to believe that it is unjust and inefficient that women's talents, interests and perspectives are so under-represented in the Dáil. The solution to that problem is, however, in women's own hands.

With 87 per cent of the Dail representation men, besotted or otherwise, are sure as hell not going to do anything about it. - Yours, etc,

A. LEAVY, Shielmartin Drive, Sutton, Dublin 13.