Sean Russell monument

Madam, - It is outrageous and deplorable that the memorial statue to Sean Russell in Fairview Park was vandalised by anonymous…

Madam, - It is outrageous and deplorable that the memorial statue to Sean Russell in Fairview Park was vandalised by anonymous individuals. The monument should have been demolished with the full legal authority of the State.

Russell was a hard-line militarist who consistently denied the authority of the legitimate Irish State. While he was not an ideological follower of fascism, he was content to be a fellow-traveller with the Nazis. Russell deserves to be forgotten, not commemorated.

If the National Graves Association is determined to rebuild the monument (January 7th), couldn't it seek a modest contribution from the Provisional republican movement? It has plenty of money to spend at the moment. - Yours, etc.,

JOHN WALSH, Dunshaughlin, Co Meath.