Sir, - The article by Alex Salmond (May 1st) requires comment

Sir, - The article by Alex Salmond (May 1st) requires comment. As an economist he has, over recent years, demolished the argument of Unionists that Scotland cannot "stand alone" financially without the need for subsidy from England. It is disingenuous of him, however, to seek now to avail of the present situation in the Irish economy to better the case for Scottish Independence.

Until recently the "example" of Ireland, as a divided country, was the Achilles heal in the SNP's armoury, and faced as they wore, over the years, with the challenge from Unionists to "look at the mess facing Ireland!" they chose to ignore their Celtic cousins in their political argument.

It is surely more appropriate that Mr Salmond concentrates his efforts to ensure that the Scots show the Irish the road to success in achieving full independence through argument and reason, and rather than concentrating upon the current economic scene in the Republic ho should honestly state that Ireland, through violence, has in all probability set back Scottish freedom by a hundred years. - Yours, etc.,



Co. Louth.