Rugby's clash of cultures

Madam, - Gerry Thornley, in his article in Tuesday's edition entitled "Compelling clash of culture and style", makes the following…

Madam, - Gerry Thornley, in his article in Tuesday's edition entitled "Compelling clash of culture and style", makes the following observation: "Perhaps Munster have built up more of a following over the years but Leinster made more rapid strides in catching up with them last Saturday".

Indeed, Leinster's breathtaking display offers the Leinster Branch a unique opportunity to change the perception that most working-class Dubliners have of rugby in the province as a class-based élitist Dublin 4 phenomenon, monopolised by the fee-paying schools from that part of the city.

What makes Munster Rugby so attractive that it is a people's game, particularly in Limerick city and its satellite towns.

Is the Leinster Board brave enough to liberate rugby in Leinster from the claustrophobic scrum of privilege and make it a truly expansive experience available to all social classes? - Yours, etc,


SEÁN WHELAN, Ormond Keep, Nenagh, Co Tipperary.

Madam, - Please spare a thought for the poor, dejected French rugby supporters.

To lose away to Munster was bad enough; but Toulouse at home to Leinster was even worse. - Yours, etc

PAUL DELANEY, Beacon Hill, Dalkey, Co Dublin.