Rosslare to Waterford rail line

Sir, – I was most pleased to read Denis North's letter (June 2nd) regarding the Rosslare to Waterford rail line.

It is about time that common sense prevailed, and Wexford County Council abandoned this rather foolish proposal to turn the rail line into a glorified cycle-path.

As a third-level student who often travels to Waterford using public transport, the reinstatement of a direct rail service on this route would be of immense benefit to me and others in my situation. A cycle-path would not.

In addition, the road along this section is extremely busy at the best of times, between tourist traffic and freight headed for the port.


Using the existing rail infrastructure to reduce road traffic would improve the lives of those along this corridor immeasurably, as well as bring huge ecological benefits.

Once a rail line has been torn up, it is invariably lost forever due to the high capital costs involved in construction. One gets a sense of “slaughtering the dairy cow for a steak dinner” with this Greenway initiative. – Yours, etc,


Rosslare Harbour,

Co Wexford.