Ross O’Carroll-Kelly and China

A chara, – It is said that one chooses to be offended. Therefore, I would like to declare that I am offended by Dr Jerusha McCormack (October 17th) being offended by what she interprets as a calculated attack by Paul Howard and The Irish Times on Chinese children and adolescents to prevent Irish universities from recruiting them. When you consider China's human rights violations and its systematic curbing of freedom of speech, not the mention the thousands of newborn girls left to die due to the "One Child" policy, it's a wonder that Irish universities are going to China at all.

Explaining satire might be considered the greatest lost cause. However, perhaps Paul Howard is shining a light on consumer ideologies of the west or perhaps he’s just trying to make us laugh. The fiend! – Yours, etc,


Stillorgan, Co Dublin.


A chara, – If we have now reached the point where to do other than portray everyone from another nation as perfect, and to do otherwise is “offensive” and “degrading”, then political madness truly has gone mad. – Is mise,


Castlecomer, Co Kilkenny.

Sir, – Stereotypes and subverting stereotypes are what Paul Howard writes about and it’s pretty funny most of the time. I hope that the Chinese graduate students that Dr McCormack teaches might find it all hilarious themselves. Perhaps some readers might think some Chinese-style censorship is in order – now that’s really not funny. – Yours, etc,



Sir, – I just can’t wait to see how Honor has fared with her host family in China! Bring it on, Ross O’Carroll-Kelly! – Yours, etc,


Dublin 12.

Sir, – If Dr Jerusha McCormack thinks Pang is bad she should acquaint herself with Honor! – Yours, etc,



Co Roscommon.

Sir, – Jerusha McCormack is absolutely right; Ross O’Carrol-Kelly has been getting away with murder for years and it’s high time he was taken down a peg or two. I suggest that this should take the form of personal humiliation – perhaps being forced to stand outside a Mount Anville debs ball while clad in an Irish soccer jersey? Once she’s sorted out the Rossmeister, Prof McCormack should be encouraged to continue her crusade. Mrs Brown is an obvious target, but your own Frank McNally should at least be warned to watch his step. – Yours, etc,


Dublin 16.