Response to clerical abuse report

Madam, – The obscene, perverse practices of ordained Catholic servants of Christ on those very “little children” Jesus urged…

Madam, – The obscene, perverse practices of ordained Catholic servants of Christ on those very “little children” Jesus urged to come unto him are surely unacceptable to any civilised society. Why, in the Republic of Ireland, for one, are those perpetrators not arrested, tried and jailed, if found guilty like any other criminal? – Yours, etc,



Carlisle Street, Dublin 8.

Madam, – Rev Vincent Twomey (Opinion, 9th December) calls out for some other way to be found for choosing suitable bishops. Perhaps the words of St Paul to Timothy about how to select a bishop are what is required: “He must manage his own family well and see that his children obey him with proper respect. If anyone does not know how to manage his own family, how can he take care of God’s church?” (1 Tim 3:4-5). Based on this, a whole new direction is needed and the “faithful” need to become faithful to what the Apostles taught. – Yours, etc,


Bullock Park, Carlow.

Madam, – Martin Long (December 10th) points out that guidance to the Irish bishops on how to deal with clerical child abuse is in a document called Sacramentorum Sanctitatis Tutela. Is this available in plain English so that Fathers Ionnes, Cicero, Edmundus, etc, can read it? – Yours, etc,


Muswell Hill,

London, England.